A downloadable game for Windows

Help O770 overcome the challenges set in the labs and face the unknown while looking for a way out...

Genesis Project is an action platformer with environmental storytelling and a dynamic UI system to show the remaining HP of the player. This game was made with a time limit of two months, as a class project.

: The game supports Keyboard and Joysticks.
- A/D/Arrow Keys:  Move left or right
-Spacebar: Jump and select Menus.
- J: Press and Hold to attack
- K: Use Shield to deflect bullets and final boss's attacks
- L : Press and hold to grapple to certain points, combine with W,A,S,D to swing, shorten or extend the rope.
- Esc: Pause Menu, use A/D to change between unpause and returning to main menu.

Art: Christian Olivera
Programming:  Jonathan Cabrera
Game Design: Christian OliveraJonathan Cabrera


Genesis Project.rar 72 MB
Genesis Project GDD (Spanish).pdf 1 MB

Install instructions

Download the .rar file and unzip with Winrar or 7zip.  Run the Unity executable file included in the folder. No installation required.